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NeoMetal is a side-scrolling mecha shooter with heavy customization, which canonically occurs shortly after CubeTales 3: Flames of Destruction.


Shortly after the events of CubeTales 3, the resulting infighting within humanity leads to a rise in mercenary activity. Seeing this as a potential business opportunity, the logistics company Syntax and the weapons manufacturers Praxis and Kronos develop the NeoMetal Mercenary Support System, which allows mercenaries to connect with potential employers and purchase specialized products. The NeoMetal System becomes the catalyst for mech-based warfare, and is regarded as a huge success. A Nameless Pilot joins the program, and is almost immediately recognized as having extreme talent. Around the same time, an industry newcomer, Nova, has released a line of products that inexplicably have mastered the Void matter that has been the subject of intensive studies since the events of CubeTales 2: Revelations.


The gameplay loop consists of completing missions to earn money, using that money to purchase new equipment/parts, experimenting with your new equipment/parts in the garage, and going back with your new mech for some more missions. While ammunition is infinite, each shot fired will be counted toward your end of mission ammunition costs, which is subtracted from your mission payout. Similarly, taking damage will be counted towards repair costs.


  • A prototype of this game was originally submitted for MechJam IV.
  • In the prototype version, all the parts were unlocked from the start, and the story simply involved testing new modular mech units.
  • This game draws heavy inspiration from the Armored Core series.