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Void is a mysterious and volatile substance discovered during the events of CubeTales 2: Revelations by Cobalt. It is found in an alternate dimension comprised entirely of antimatter.


When interacting with any matter apart from a select few metals, Void will engage in a violent chain reaction, releasing large amounts of chemical energy. Void is also capable of self replication, and is most efficient at replicating in a vacuum.


The first practical use of Void came in the form of an alternative energy generation method. The VID, or Void Injection Drive, consists of two vacuum chambers, one to store Void matter and allow it to replenish itself, and one for the reaction to occur.

Similarly to a standard combustion engine, the VID draws Void matter into a vacuum chamber, into which a material that Void reacts with is temporarily introduced, starting a reaction, the chemical energy from which is then converted into other forms of energy for use.