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A view of planet DS-102-100 from space

DS-102-100, commonly known as Tarranus is a vast, featureless planet completely and constantly enveloped in blistering heat and sandstorms. As one of the first extrasolar planets discovered, much interest was garnered for exploration despite the inhospitable environment. In one such expedition from IAEC led by Cobalt, It was discovered that the planet was, at some point in the past, a tropical ocean world teeming with exotic alien life. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the oceans had evaporated in too short of a time span for it to have been natural (see section "research logs" for more details).


Research Logs

  • All of the following logs were submitted by Cobalt

Initial Survey (07/13/2039)

IEEC’s exploration of the desert planet Tarranus has yielded some interesting results.

Analysis of the surface reveals sedimentary buildup similar to those found underwater, which suggests the existence of oceans in the past. However, it would have required some cataclysmic event in order to evaporate all the oceans in as short of a period of time as geologic records suggest. Multiple ruined settlements were located, alongside the remains of giant crustaceans. Additionally, some stone carvings were located with text in an unknown language, which we are still working to decipher. We will have to wait for the translation before making any further assumptions.

Translated Text (07/26/2039)

The decipherable text on the stone tablet has been translated to Standard to the best of our abilities (note that the stone tablet was damaged, and as such there are large gaps in the remaining text):

To any who may come to read this, consider this a warning. Remain quiet and… lest the wrath of the divine wings rain down upon your kind as it did upon mine…arrived with their glowing bastions, as if death incarnate…ravaged our beautiful oceans, brought us to heel…abominations of their own creation enforcing their savage rule…taken all that they could, left us to rot…these words may be the last remnant of our voices…do not even dare to cross paths with…

This is a massive discovery, as the existence of extraterrestrial life is all but confirmed. However, it seems that these “divine wings” do not take very kindly to other type 1 and above civilizations on the Kardashev scale. Based on the description given in this text, they are most likely a type 2 or above civilization, therefore caution must be exercised, and precautions must be taken to ensure humanity is prepared if we ever encounter them.

It’s probably best if the public doesn’t catch wind of this just yet.

Alien Research Deciphered (08/27/2039)

Excerpt from a research document found on DS-102-100. Despite being found on the same planet as the recently acquired tablet that informed humanity of the seemingly sinister “Divine Wings”, it was written in a completely separate language, and as such its author is unknown.

When a being with large amounts of aether dies, and its essence is not properly disposed of, it begins to bloat and fester, manipulating and corrupting the aether flow around it. Left unchecked, this “dark aether”, as many have come to call it, can ravage entire planets, remaking all in its twisted vision, assimilating all else into it, an infection of cosmic scales. We have already lost several worlds due to our negligence, as once the assimilation process begins, it is nigh unstoppable.

This effect can also be observed when large amounts of lesser aether beings have their essences coalesce into one mass.

Note that this cosmic blight holds nothing in common with the abyss, for abyssal matter is completely benign, although incredibly volatile.

“Abyss” and “Abyssal Matter” most likely refer to what we call Void, which points to this civilization being just as, if not more, technologically advanced than humanity.

“Aether”, “Dark Aether”, and “Essence”, however, elude me completely. Perhaps their true meaning will be revealed with time.