CubeTales: Revival of Legends

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CubeTales: Revival of Legends chronologically takes place shortly after CubeTales 3: Flames of Destruction.


Roshyn awakens from his dormant state, finding himself trapped in a massive cave system. With the way out being currently inaccessible, he decides to delve deeper into the caverns to help him find something to reach the surface with. Armed with only his trusty arm cannon, he destroys the 4 elemental guardians created by the Ancients to obtain their elemental sigils; Sigil of Storms, Sigil of Waves, Sigil of Flames, and Sigil of Earth. Upon obtaining all the sigils, Roshyn gains access to the Spirit Sanctum, where the souls of the Ancients are said to be housed. He destroys one last elemental guardian, who does not attack him at all, and obtains the Sigil of Spirit. This also results in the essences of the ancients being unleashed. Roshyn makes his escape as the the archaic structure collapses behind him, and vanishes in search of something unknown.


This game is a metroidvania, where players explore one large map and fight bosses to obtain new elemental powers to access previously unreachable areas. Health upgrades can be found throughout the map that require a clever usage of your powers and test your platforming skills. The map is divided into 5 areas, which each area becoming accessible by defeating the boss of the previous area and obtaining its elemental power.


  • This game was made in 2 weeks for the 2023 Summer Flowjam.
  • The name "Roshyn" for the player character was a suggestion from a discord server.
  • The final battle against the spirit guardian was mean to be much more climactic, featuring a battle with an ancient, but this was cut due to time constraints.